It’s about to snow really heavy here and things will likely be closed tomorrow. I could open my gym and say to my clients “There's no excuse, get in here”. But I have a good reason not to. It’s not worth haveing one of them run off the road into a tree. Why do people think this is how to encourage someone to get into the gym or to take the step to a healthier lifestyle? It’s a fad. It was promoted on a weight loss reality TV show and exploded through social media. Now you see it used everywhere. I don't like saying "You should do this or should do that". Most people already know WHAT to do. It’s your job to HELP them find ways to start what they already know. Telling them they are making excuses is only going to push them away. Maybe they have a fear of the gym or others watching them workout. Maybe they had a bad experience before. Maybe they don’t have the will power that you do. Maybe they watch weight loss shows on TV and fear the abuse you see on those shows. Maybe they suffer anxiety, depression or panic attacks and going to the gym requires a lot more effort than it does for other people. Don’t blame them for having fear because you don’t know them or their story. Maybe instead, try focusing on REAL encouragement. Help them understand that those shows are made to be dramatic for ratings. Everyone is different. Nobody responds to negativity. So don't use the "no excuse" slogan. It's NOT EFFECTIVE!! Use real encouragement to help someone set aside their fear. Help them open new doors. Show them you won’t hurt them. Let them start slow. Just take little steps. You don’t want to rush someone who isn’t ready. That’s how you get them hurt. Teach them the benefits to a healthy lifestyle, not the negativity of “excuses”. Promote a positive environment. Try this:
"You are amazing, Keep it up"
"It gets easier as you get stronger"
"Consistency is a good goal for better results."
"I have confidence in you, let’s try one more time"
"Exercise will make you feel better and move better, I can help you"
"Try to redefine FEAR as Face Everything And Rise"
"Its ok to have bad days, we all do"
"I feel amazing when I get strong"
"I feel better after I workout"
"I'm stronger than yesterday"
"Life is tough, but I am tougher"
Be the LEADER and the example. That might mean when you have a bad day you still smile and don’t let them know it. You are human too and have times when you aren’t on your A game yourself, like you ate too much or drank too much or skipped a workout or 10. BE THE EXAMPLE, and get right back on track. Don’t let it side line you making you give up completely.
So treat everyone in your audience with respect, like friends and family. Telling someone they are making excuses only makes them want to run from you. Help them feel accountable without disrespecting them. You can tell someone what they need to hear while still being positive. You have a responsibility to those who look to you for help. Treat them how you want to be treated. Be a leader. Be positive. Be honest. Finally, be REAL!! Rise Exercise And Live!!
JUST STOP with the NO EXCUSES already!