Yes, I ran 3 of each distance of these races (3 sprints 4+ miles ea/3 supers 8+ miles ea/3 Beasts 13+ miles ea) totaling 9 races at over 85 miles and 300 +/- obstacles. Sounds like a lot! It is.
I know people will read this and think “how inspiring” “I wish I could” or “I could never do that” and I’ll say as long as that’s how you think then you’re 100% right! BUT you’re also 100% wrong...you CAN do this. Yes, I may be a gym owner and have the equipment at my fingertips to train for this but that doesn’t make it any easier than it is for you to get up and go to the gym. Owning a gym and running a business doesn’t always leave a lot of time to train to do these races so I have learned how to get the work done with in my limited time.
I started this journey 3 years ago when I was encouraged by my coach (coaches need coaches too) to give a spartan race a try. I didn’t think I could do it either. But because I was training and trusted my coach I decided to give it a shot. I spent the next weeks stepping up my training and put in the work to get me ready. At the starting line I was really nervous and excited. I didn’t know what to expect. As soon as I started up that mountain all my fears left me and my training kicked in. I had been training really hard. Lifting heavy weight and working on my endurance. All those days I spent pushing my self, my limits, my mind in the gym to lift heavier and push the sled faster was paying off.
Thinking “you can’t” is the first obstacle you must over come. I’ll tell you getting over this obstacle is the harder than climbing a rope or traversing monkey bars over water. I know right now you can’t see it but I promise you, your mind is by far your biggest obstacle.
A great quote I read this morning said “you can’t determine when you will cross the finish line because you won’t let yourself show up for the race”.
This goes for any and all goals!! Don’t sit back wishing to reach a goal yet do nothing that supports reaching it. Once you get past the “I cants” and start taking steps toward your goals (whatever they may be) you will begin to see how easy it really is to face the physical aspect of the training. That’s exactly how you reach these kind of goals...Training!
So before you go saying “I wish I could do that but I’m not strong enough” try getting around positive people with like goals and work up to it by training for it. Think about this: If a child is learning to walk and falls down 50 time they don’t say to themselves “maybe this isn’t for me”! You CAN do it! It just takes hard work and not giving up. Put it in your mind right now that you’ll do the work to get there. Then get up and get in to the gym and start doing the work....
And that is your first obstacle ..... complete it!