As a fitness coach, I consider my job to teach my clients and help them take away the training wheels. I want them to be able to do it on their own. Like when they learned to ride a bike. My son came to me one day when he was 3 years old and demanded I remove his training wheels from his bike. I did, but he wouldn’t pedal so he fell over and got really mad because it wasn’t working. I put the training wheels back on and helped him push down on his pedals to make them go around. Finally, when he was 4 we tried again. I had to spend a few hours a day running behind him holding onto the seat keeping him upright until one day I just gave him a push and he took off and never looked back. This is how it works guys. He had to pedal the bike and all I did was to give him motivation, encouragement, stability and instruction. I had to help him focus to keep trying. This is what your coach is helping you do. We can only run behind you for so long but it is up to you to move the “pedals” and learn to ride. When you do this you open yourself up to huge results.
When you decide to get on board with the program, only then will you begin to see the results you expect to see. So the responsibility falls on you to do what you have been told to do, including during the workouts you have scheduled as well as ALL the days in between. Your scheduled sessions are important but the most important days are the ones in between. If you do nothing in between expect nothing to happen. If you work hard every day in between (just like you do at your sessions) then you will likely see amazing results. Now this doesn’t mean all you need to do is workout hard every day, No, you must think about your diet, too. Every meal and everything you put in your mouth. Is it worth it? Do you really need it? Will it help you reach your goal or not? What would “Corbin say”?
Corbin says “You can’t out train a poor diet, no way, no how”. Make it Greener! Focus on adding vegetables and limiting grain, add healthy fats and less carbohydrates and starches, increase protein and again Vegetables, Vegetables, Vegetables!!! Mostly just watch how much you eat. Only eat what you need to fuel the activity you are doing. Knowing you have to give a report on what you did when you were on your own, makes you more accountable. Hold yourself accountable for what you do or don’t do. This is taking off the training wheels. It brings me back to your journal, KEEP it updated and be HONEST with yourself!! Like I said last time, it’s your map of success.
After you get your diet nailed down, work on adding activity to those days between your sessions. You can’t just sit around. Get up and get moving. Get out and do something. Go hiking, biking, swimming, walking, running, walking the dog, go play tennis, go dancing, roller skating, shoot some hoops, take your kid and “have a pass” (as my son always says when he wants to pass the foot ball), whatever you like as long as you get out and move those joints and make the muscles work. Don’t just sit indoors and let the muscles be still. They will surely cramp up and get tight and then you’ll be complaining of pain and tightness and sore backs and sore knees and shoulders. DON’T SIT AROUND!! There are TONS of parks that your tax dollars paid for so get out and use them.
The moral of all this . . . . Make it a PRIORITY to make your life more active and control your diet. Yes guys, it’s that simple. Now just go do it.